A strategic whaaaat?

Up until a few years ago, I had never once uttered the phrase “strategic action plan”.  The first time I heard said phrase, the initial thought that crossed my mind was BOOOORING!

Since I’m in a bit of a sharing mood today, I’ll tell you honestly I didn’t actually know what it even meant until I had to put together a sample strategic action plan for an interview. 

“Yes! I’d love to complete the interview process including a demonstration of a strategic action plan!” Big smile in my voice.  “That sounds great!” 

Being the keen candidate I was, I immediately got to work.  

Opened a new window on my computer and googled: 

“What in the hell is a strategic action plan?”

No, seriously, that's exactly what happened.  Let me skip to the end - I was a successful candidate, scored the position and that google search has literally brought me to where I am right now.  This moment. Sitting in my basement office. Writing my Tuesday blog post.  As owner of Deanne Gagnon Dynamics. Specialist in helping teams develop strategic action plans.  Don’t worry, the irony is not lost on me. 

Who knew that something I once knew nothing about, and thought was BOOOORING would become the main source of my bread and butter, and interest!  

So why am I sharing this all with you? Well certainly not for the sake of building credibility, I am actually concerned that people will now think of me as Les Incompetents. 

I share because there are likely people involved in organizations, running teams, or owning businesses who may feel the same, or have just never put the thought into the importance of having a strategic action plan. (Booooringgg I know. Maybe for some excitement take a drink every time I say “strategic action plan”!)

Let’s chat for a minute about what exactly it is, and why it is important. 

A strategic action plan (drink!) is figuring out WHAT you want, WHY you want it, and HOW you’re going to get it.

It’s becoming intentional about creating success in your life and business.   

So, back to my original google search, what in the hell are we even talking about when it comes to strategic action planning? Picture this.  You’re in a canoe in the middle of a big lake with your team.  There is no shore in sight and you’re all paddling madly but have no idea where you’re going.

That’s life without a strategic action plan. Planning strategically is planning intentionally.  It is taking the time to develop a clear purpose, and then determining realistic steps in order to achieve that purpose. 

It is easy to say that it’s not the right time, but the longer you go without a strategy, the more tired your arms are getting from paddling to nowhere specific. Or maybe you know where you want to go, but don’t have a clear path on how to get there. That means taking some serious detours and expending precious time, energy and resources. 

What are some specific circumstances when a strategic action plan is beneficial? 

  • Entrepreneur hiring a staff for the first time? What do you want the future of your business to look like? And how do you want your employees to contribute/feel? 

  • New business owner managing staff for the first time?  Ask yourself why you wanted to own the business in the first place and how you want it to succeed. 

  • Business is growing? How big do you want it to grow, and how is the growth being managed? 

  • You’re currently an operating business?  Have you taken the time to develop a CURRENT strategic action plan? 

  • Staff is coming back into the office after covid? Has a success plan been created? 

  • The wellbeing of your team? Have you worked together to make a strategic wellbeing action plan? 

  • A committee or organization, have you planned for a sustainable future? 

  • Want to take your business to the next level? Do you know what that looks like or how you will get there?

Having a sense of purpose and clearly defined plan on how you’ll get there takes you from paddling in a circle to becoming an olympic gold medal rowing team!

Benjamin Franklin said “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

In this circumstance, you may not fail, but you do not plan to meet your full potential. 

If you managed to not fall asleep with all the strategic action planning (drink!) talk, would like to learn more, get started planning, or have any questions at all, book a call with me today!  I absolutely love working with teams to help them reach THEIR gold medal status. 


The honest post I might regret.


What WAS Chandler Bing’s job?