Let’s have some dang fun already.
Deanne Gagnon Deanne Gagnon

Let’s have some dang fun already.

“I don’t remember the last time we had this much fun!” shared one participant with a smile at the end of a recent workshop.

That is music to my ears my friends, because not only did we have fun, we also got some serious work accomplished.

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You talkin’ to me?
Deanne Gagnon Deanne Gagnon

You talkin’ to me?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am talking to you.

Actually to be more specific, I am asking you a couple of questions.

How are you doing? And what do you need?

These are two vital questions to check in with the team, increase camaraderie and connection and make people feel cared about.

Isn’t that so nice? To feel cared about?  To know people give a damn that you are there because you are YOU and not just a warm body.

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This is my battle cry.
Deanne Gagnon Deanne Gagnon

This is my battle cry.

“Well that’s a new one”, I say incredulously to my co-facilitator at the end of our workshop.

I am holding a card that says one word. DICTATORSHIP. It is printed in bold, block letters as a response to the question:

‘What is blocking you from achieving a mentally healthy work environment?’

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