Do you know your strengths?

I am super excited to share that I have just become accredited in Strengths Profile - a strengths tool that is just awesome.

When I found the Emotional Culture Deck I wanted to shout it from the roof tops because I knew the impact it could have on teams. I am feeling just as great about this tool!!

I run a lot of solution based workshops, and no matter what team I am working with, some variation of “matching people to their strengths” comes up as a solution. I did some research, had some (MANY!) conversations, and determined that the Cappfinity Strengths Profile assessment is the tool I wanted to learn.

This tool explores your top 60 strengths and defines them based on how well you perform them, how energized you are by them, and how often you use them. It is broken into four quadrants - Realized Strengths (good at them, use them often and they energize you!) , Learned Behaviours (good at them, use them often, but are more draining), Weaknesses (basically just don’t enjoy these areas, nor do they energize you), and Unrealized Strengths (use less often, energize you and you perform them well - these are hidden treasures!!)

The beauty of this strength finding tool is that you can review and adjust accordingly. If you notice that something you used to love to do is feeling like a chore, how can you change your behaviour to give yourself a break by delegating, shift your thinking around it, or even using it as a key reflection point of what can you do differently to bring the joy back into this.

An example for myself is writing - writing is one of my realized strengths but lately has been feeling more like a learned behaviour. In recognizing this, I took a break from writing because I had set unrealistic expectations for how often I should be producing content.

This break has allowed more room for creative ideas to pop up, and now I am feeling keen to put my ideas into the world again, moving forward, I am very aware of what expectations I am putting on myself.

This tool can be used individually or with teams. Individually, I guide you through a conversation around current circumstances, goals, or anything specific you’re hoping to achieve - this is amazing for leaders. During every debrief I have done so far, it’s been so cool to see people have light bulb moments, get clear on where they want to be and figure out how to move forward intentionally to support the team.

For teams it is powerful to CELEBRATE each other’s different strengths, how to use them to compliment each other and potentially modify roles to better suit individual strengths.

If this is something that sounds great to you then hit reply to this email - clearly I am PUMPED about this tool and would love to discuss further to see if it is something your team can benefit from. Here’s a secret - they can!

Also we are rolling into summer holiday season here in Canada, if you have people holding up the fort and you want to show your appreciation by holding a fun (like actually fun - not cringeworthy) team building event let’s get something on the calendar! or start thinking about post holidays and bringing the team back together to finish the year strong!

Skip to the end?

Strengths Profile is an amazing tool - do your team a favour by using it!

Have some summer fun with your team in non-boring, actual fun team building days!

September is the new January - get your fall Workplace Culture Sessions on the calendar and finish the year strong.


Lead by example


The power of checking in