The power of checking in

Imagine this: You hire a personal trainer. They take your information, develop a plan, and show you the ropes. You're feeling motivated and ready to crush your fitness goals. But then, after a few weeks, your trainer drops off the face of the earth. No more check-ins, no more guidance, just crickets. And then, after a year, they pop back up for a "performance review" to see how you've done.

How effective do you think that personal trainer is? How much progress have you made? And most importantly, how supported have you felt throughout the entire process?

Now, let's shift gears and talk about effective teams. As someone who works with teams from all different industries, I've noticed a common thread: in order to be successful, they need to feel connected and supported. And guess what? Regular check-ins are a key ingredient in creating that feeling.

I can't tell you how many workshops I've done where the solution to a team's struggles is simply "more check-ins". It's like a broken record, but with good reason. These check-ins don't have to be formal or take a long time. It's just about asking, "how's it going?" and offering support when needed.

If you're a leader, I know it can be overwhelming to add yet another thing to your plate. But trust me, investing in regular check-ins with your team will pay off big time in the long run. Your team will feel more connected, more supported, and ultimately more engaged in their work. And according to a study by Gallup, regular meetings between employees and their managers can lead to a 3.5 times higher engagement rate.

So, don't be that personal trainer who disappears after the first session. Show up for your team, offer support, and watch them thrive.

Skip to the end?

No matter what industry, teams want to feel connected and supported and one way to increase both of these feelings is through regular one on one check-ins. 

P.S. you're interested in team building or workplace culture workshops, I still have a couple of dates available in May and June if you want to get some pre-summer holiday team together time in! These workshops are a great way to develop new skills and build stronger relationships with your colleagues.


Do you know your strengths?


Managing change from a place of empathy