Surviving summer.

The sun is peeking in through the blinds.  I slowly open one eye.  Where did I end up this time?

I peer through my one opened eye. A mountain of stuffies.  Unicorn pajamas on the floor.  Robert Munsch books strewn about.   Ah yes.  My daughter’s room.

I’m not sure if any other families are struggling with the zero routine of summer holidays?

I feel like every night its musical beds because someone can’t sleep. It’s bright out until almost 11:00pm, and we are constantly bouncing between camping and sleeping at home.

Needless to say, our systems are down.  On all fronts.  There’s no rhyme or reason to days.  I’m trying to keep things flowing, and continue building momentum with my business, but these days it’s been challenging!

So what can we do to survive the summer holidays? Here are 5 things that I’m trying this summer.

1. Perhaps I could change the language… instead of survive, maybe say ENJOY? Remember the excitement of school being out for summer?!   Alice Cooper certainly does.

2. Expectations management. In a BIG way. I’ve set myself up for failure so many times with unrealistic to do lists and poor time management.

3. Don’t be a hero.  Ask for help.  Use all of your resources.  Including screens! Getting some much needed downtime, or uninterrupted time during the day is vital during summer holidays.  In the morning when my kids are still just waking up and happy to watch some shows you better believe I am letting that happen. 

4. Get organized. Plan the night in advance what you want to accomplish the next day. Refer back to #2 though! Some days you just won’t get it all done and that’s okay.

5. If possible, book a few days that are strictly for holidays, no work allowed. No email, no phone calls, no social media, nothing, zip, zilch, nada. Enjoy the time that the kids are out of school and find some adventures to go on!

And that my friends are my top 5 tips to surviving school summer break.

I wonder where I will wake up tomorrow morning. 🧐


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